Friday, September 9, 2022

Blog Post #1

My top 5 sources for News and Information

Growing up I did not like the news much, I always found it too political, sad, and depressing. While this might still be the case as I've gotten older I have realized that it is information that I need to know because everyday it affects my future. I complied a list of my favorite sources and why below.

CNN and Fox News while they are politically driven by a certain parties, I do enjoy that they are a constant updating source like many others. I use these source and often compare the two as they both have very different stand points. This allows me to get my own political understanding of the news and/or issue at the time. This way it allows me to differentiate between what is political opinion and what is actual news. I do however, still take the time to compare what I read on these sources to others.

Daily Mail while they do post not all completely true things and others yes. I like Daily Mail as a source because you can get actual news out of it while at the same time getting interesting news from the drama of every day famous peoples lives. I think at times this can help to make the news that we tend to hear a little less depressive.

Instagram, while we need to be careful about what we hear on Social Media, it can be one of the quickest ways of getting news updates and everything else. People are constantly posting 24/7, I know during the BLM protests and everything instagram was one of the easiest places to get the clearest understanding of what was happening. It was easy to find local protests this way and made it easy to keep it clear of the political aspects at times, not always. It was also great to hear peoples opinions and things on each issue and new news as it constantly comes out.

The Taylorsville Times, this is my local news paper. Growing up I wanted to read it just for the comics but now it is a goof source of news for me to find out what is happening in my small community. That is of course if everyone doesn’t already know.

Youtube, while I use youtube for entertainment, I also use it more of for information and news more than I think I do. Just yesterday I was watching BBC's live updates on the late Queen Elizabeth. This was provided to me by the live BBC channel on youtube since I do not have a subscription with them. But youtube is also used just for information on basic general understandings of things that might be happening but might be hard to understand. For example, when it came time for me to vote in my first presidential election, I did not know that I would have to be voting on more than just the president. But youtube taught me what to expect before going in for my first time. 


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Blog Post #11

My Relationship With Technology