Monday, September 26, 2022

Blog Post #6

During the EOTO presentations various forms of technology was introduced. 

One of my favorite ones that I learned about was the cinema. I've always loved movies and films so seeing that one up there I was really excited to learn more about it. The presenter talked about the start of movies and and it first came about and got really popular around the 1930s-1940s due to the golden age of Hollywood.

One fun fact that I know is, while Walt Disney had his start in newspaper comics, Disney's art did not get popular until he started doing short films at the introduction of movies. His first was Oswald the Lucky rabbit, which was shortly followed by Steamboat Willie both produced in 1928. 

A lot of cinemas popularity is thanked to the Golden Age of Hollywood. But if you look back films first got sound in 1927, which followed right after that comes the skyrocket of films popularity. We can thank Hollywood for producing the movies but we can thank sound for giving movies the ability to become as popular.

I did however, think it was interesting that the presenter thought the only downside to the cinema was how much it hurt live performance shows. However, I have to disagree, I think the cinema also brought forth a new set of values that could be violated by just what was being shown on the screen. However, that is if you take into consideration how sensitive society is now. While I personally do not have an issue with it I know with the cancel culture and extremely sensitive society we live in that plenty of people do have issues with it. 

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Blog Post #11

My Relationship With Technology